Jones' Take Over Japan

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ni Ju Yon!

(ni ju yon = 24)

I have the Best Friends/Family ever: I'd just like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for your well wishes. It really made my day. I wish that I could have been with you all in one big massive least there was one in my mind...

I have the best Wife ever: First things first, Karleen shaved my head a week back so some pictures will be of long hair, some of no hair. Here's the final outcome.
She did a great job! But...there was a catch. If I had no hair...I had to say goodbye to my goatee because she thinks I look like a pirate...

Since she was working on Halloween, and I wasn't, she thought she would do the birthday thang the day before. Without me knowing, she hopped on our bike, and road around Innoshima trying to find stuff for me. Then, had everything all ready for me once I got home. She had 2 presents on the ground waiting, and a surprise for later. So, first things first...I said PRESENTS!!!! That was a total surprise, since I didn't think I told her anything I wanted. Low and behold she's been paying attention to the random crap I say and she went with it...That's my girl!

She went through alot of trouble to do this, she even had to go all MacGyver and make the wrapping paper out of old Let's Go Starter sheets. Brilliant.

So I opened my gifts. What did I get, you say...well, only what a guy could ever want....

A 320GB External Hard Drive and a USB game controller.

Wait for it...


...Here it comes....


The night went on and we watched a movie, the new version of Salem's Lot to be exact. Then, Karleen said to close my eyes. After a lot of noise and cursing being heard, I was allowed to open my eyes to this...
My Birthday cake, cream puffs and Hershey's Ice Cream Bars. HELLO! She even put little candles in them...which caused all the cursing because the matches we have were from an old first aid kit from our honeymoon and they wouldn't light. SO, of course I had to blow them out for the action shot!

I wish for peace on earth... Ah screw it...I want a Pony!

What a woman I married. I'm the luckiest guy around, a wife that supports my geekness and my love for cream puffs....mmmm CP Goodness....

WE have the best Families ever: Both of our parents have sent care packages to us. Mama Poxon sent a CRAPLOAD of Halloween decoration, which you saw on the blog last post (it cost her more to send it then it was to buy it), and she already sent us Christmas stuff. That's not even the best part about it...she made everything! There was an advent calendar and ornaments with everyone's pictures on them. Here is some shots of the Halloween tie she sent that I wore for 3 days straight.
Oh, hello good lookin

My parents sent me a package, but it was held up for some time because, apparently, Japan doesn't allow Beef Jerky imported into the country via the postal service...damn bureaucracy! SO, we finally got the package yesterday, filled with goodies to remind us of 2 boxes of KD (I never thought I would be THIS excited to see KD) some spaghetti sauce, a package of Tim Horton's Coffee (AWESOME!), and a nice birthday card.

Our parents ROCK THE CASBAH!

So, that's my birthday in a nutshell. We finally took down the decorations last night and we're back to having a bland apartment. OH well, at least now I can drown it out with Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 games on the laptop. COMINAYEAHHA!!

OH!!! As I final note, as a was doing a spell check of this post, Blogger said that "geekness" was not a word...but what it said to replace it with was "sexiness"!
See, being geeky can bring you sexy good times!


  • At 11/09/2006 4:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, you are very cute! The good looking and "sexiness" comes from the "Phelan" side of the family and the "geekness" from the "Jones" side of the family.(I hope your Dad and Auntie Jan don't see this!)

    Love Ya!

  • At 11/09/2006 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG that is awesome! Happy belated birthday!!!
    Nothing at ALL wrong with geekiness, my friend, nothing at all! (This as I drool for the Wii LOL my fellow nintendo addict)

    BTW the halloween video was FABulous! I had a chuckle at it! Kudos!

  • At 11/17/2006 5:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Cam,

    I cant believe I missed your birthday. Anyway, happy belated birthday. I hope you and Karleen are doin awesome!


  • At 11/17/2006 5:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Cam,

    I cant believe I missed your birthday. Anyway, happy belated birthday. I hope you and Karleen are doin awesome!


  • At 11/19/2006 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Please ignore my previous comment re Taiwan that I posted under "Typhoon" - I meant to say Japan - and your parents fed me too much wine!
    Mike and Louise Sandford


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