Jones' Take Over Japan

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

WE HAVE A FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!

Yes you heard right we made a friend. Finally. Aren't we sad! Living in such a small town there are a very very limited number of people who can speak English well enough to have a meaningful conversation. We have found a couple but of course we can't just go up to everyone with good English and say "please be our friend, take us places, we're lonely." Which is what we want to do but we don't want to scare them away. The truth is we don't care where they take us either we'll go anywhere. We're desperate. Well a couple of weeks ago a girl named Nozomi asked if we wanted to go out. I practically screamed yes. Then played it cool with a casual "you know whatever" hee hee. Coordinating our schedules took some work but we went out on Sunday.

Nozomi is 23 and her name is pronounced No - Zoom - EE she has great English she lived in New Jersey for a year and then in Australia for a while so we can even use slang which is really nice. She picked us up at 11 and we drove to a town called Kanabe. She found us an English CD for the car ride that she had bought when she lived in the states NOW 99 Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, Britney Spears. Her and I sang along. I was loving it and Cam was so happy to be out of the house he didn't even object to the music choice. We went to the mall where we ate at McDonalds. YAY!!
I think Nozomi may be my soul mate she also eats at a McDonalds in every country she visits "it's a must" HeeHee Then we went to the movies, Nozomi is also a movie junkie like us. We saw "Black Dahlia" which was questionable but it was still nice to see a movie. The theatre's have assigned seating, and free blankets in case you get cold. Very Cool.

Next we went shopping we bought a whole bunch of DVD's (including The Untouchables which Cam was appalled to learn I hadn't seen) Nozomi got a whole outfit, and I got this awesome new hat.
There are a few stores decorating for HALLOWEEN
but it feels a little HOLLOW.
We picked up some imported food like guacamole and nachos (yum). It came with a free tiny bottle of Baileys that Cam was very excited about.

Then we headed home. Nozomi's car is called a Lapin and there are little bunny symbols in it. So we named it the Playboy. Awesome.

On the way home Nozomi asked us if we wanted to go with her to Osaka over night on Nov 18 to visit her University friends. She said they all have really good English so we should fit right in. Right now we're trying to arrange it with work, if we can we'll definitely go. So we have a friend and she's totally awesome. We gave her a Canada baseball hat as a souvineer.


  • At 10/28/2006 12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    mom p says; Love your new friend, she looks like lots of fun.

  • At 10/28/2006 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HAHA Hollow's Eve that hilarious, I just about laughed out loud and Im in the middle of my English class. Good going guys!



  • At 10/30/2006 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yay! A real friend! I'm so glad you guys had such a good time too. Love the hat!

  • At 11/01/2006 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We dont have an email address for you so I hope you check this on the 31st.
    Hope you have a good one!!

    Aunty Debbie and Uncle Marty

  • At 11/09/2006 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I also enjoyed going out with
    you guys and reading your blog!

    Our next trip to Osaka will be
    so much FUN!!! I promise!


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