Jones' Take Over Japan

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Last Saturday we were told a typhoon was coming. It would hit either Sunday or Monday it wasn't hitting us directly we would be on the outskirts but our streets could flood, there could be landslides, a curfew, and school closures. Ok freaky. So sunday comes and its on and off pretty rainy, and pretty windy but not too bad. In fact Cam decided to take the scooter to the grocery store, since it was our day off. Monday rolls around sunny skies and a little bit of wind. Well were thinking I guess the typhoon wasn't so bad after all. Turns out our island was just lucky, Hiroshima was hit really bad 5 people died in floods. This crazy global warming I guess they get more and more typhoons every year. We were all prepared to take pictures and video but I'm glad we didn't get hit like Hiroshima after all.


  • At 9/20/2006 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sheesh! I didn't even know that we should have been worrying and now its too late. Phew! Glad you are safe and don't have a typhoon video to share with us:)

  • At 9/24/2006 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG A TYPHOON?! Shows that I must not be watching the nes close enough or that our news here seems to find stories like "TomKat's marriage in Doubt" more important than Typhoons?! Sigh...

    Sooo happy you guys are a-ok.. and in agreement with Kim that there's no first hand video. ;)

  • At 9/26/2006 3:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    One word: yikes!
    Glad you're okay, and take care!

  • At 9/26/2006 6:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cam and Karleen:

    PLEASE, don't be like those poor souls videotaping the tsunami and that is the last we see of them!!

    It was great talking to you a couple of weeks ago. It sounds like all is going fine. Did Karleen get her Hello Kitty pink scooter??

    Love, The Simmonds'

  • At 11/19/2006 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Cameron and Karleen,

    We are having dinner with Randy and Lynn tonight and they should us your web page. It has been a long time since we have seen you and can't believe you are in Taiwan. Good on ya! we hope it is a great experience for you both. Christine is going to take culunary arts at NAIT in Jan. and Serena is stil with Royal Winnipeg Ballet. RWB is touring Atlantic Canada and she is in Charletown PEI tonight. Keep safe and we hope to see you again soon.

    Louise and Mike Sandford

    P. S. It really doesn't seem that long ago that we used to look after you, at our house. Oh well, I guess we are just getting old!! Hey, do you remember Christine used to be afraid of your Dad, with his big-time moustache?!! Those were great memories and good times for us as parents. Bye for now.


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