Jones' Take Over Japan

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Our Crib

We shot this the same week as the Poopamatic 3000 video (almost a month ago), but I haven't had time until now to edit it together.

I hope this is a little informative on how we live, even if it just shows a little.

Enjoy, people!


  • At 9/05/2006 11:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks I really loved seeing your sweet little apt.

  • At 9/06/2006 7:15 AM, Blogger Gordon said…

    What software are you using to Edit Cam? It looks great.

  • At 9/06/2006 1:51 PM, Blogger Cam said…

    Hey, thanks Gordo!

    I'm using Premiere Pro 1.5 that you told me to get.

  • At 9/06/2006 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oooooo! Roomy ;)

  • At 9/07/2006 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice place Cam. Glad to see things are going good.


  • At 9/08/2006 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How cute and compact (not you Cam!!- the apartment ha!!)

    Love, The Simmonds'

  • At 9/09/2006 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Guys!

    Jacquie had her baby last night. Its a girl her name is Alexa Rene Francis she was 5lbs 12 oz and 18 inches long, black hair and very cute. I will send pics to your hotmail accounts when I get them on my computer!

    Toodles SAM!!! MISS YOU!!!

  • At 9/10/2006 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG that was an awesome video! Cam, kudos to you because I like to dabble in video editing (very amateurishly) and I think that was a FAB job! I love the effects and everything. How cool. I need to learn some stuff from you. ;) Karleen, great hosting! Too funny some of the stuff you mentioned. I look forward to more videos like this you guys! :))

    I have to figure out this skype thing. Does it work PC to Mac ok with video and/or audio? Do you pay? I have no idea. I should look into this stuff. LOL

    Anyway, great post! I'm happy there was no hideous bugs in the video. ;)

  • At 9/11/2006 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice Place. Keep the adventures comming

  • At 10/09/2006 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey there. Cool videos. Good job. I may not get a chance to view your postings weekly, so I will pop in every month or two to see what's up. Your poopomatic video - tres cool! And this video too! You youngin's are starting to make us thirty-somethings old with your tech savviness. Neat apartment, good use of space. After having seen a couple of apartments in Japan, you guys got it quite good! Thankfully you have your own heating and air. You've got walls for your shower!!! Yay. I saw this one shower in Yokohama that was over a large pail. :( Not comfortable! I too would have cried crazily if I went to see Hiroshima. I had a similar experience (unexpectedly) when I went to see the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. I never knew how many civil rights movements made their mark there and I started to ball when I got there. Anyway, I am glad to hear positive things about the experience. Cheers.


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