Jones' Take Over Japan

Friday, December 22, 2006


So people not one comment about our move, nobody cares. Fine Geez Louise. I suppose I’ll write the details even though no one cares. Ok I know it all seems like a big surprise but it’s actually been awhile in the making. So here are all the sordid details. In Mid November our employers informed us that they didn’t have enough work to keep both of us working for our full contract. AAHHHH what does that mean. First it meant they were cutting one of our hours drastically. Then they figured they had enough work to keep us both on until January then only enough for one of us. They didn’t seem to think this would be a problem for us though because Cam is the Man he would keep working and I could be a housewife. Well we on the other hand said we’d have to think about it and get back to them. Besides the drastic cut in pay we didn’t really come halfway around the world to experience the inside of an apartment. This is basically what we’ve been doing. Maybe we could think about me being a housewife if #1 our town was full of things to do. (Which it’s not) and #2 Cam was happy bringing in all the income for no reason (which he’s not). In the end we decided this isn’t the best idea for us and gave our 30 days notice. Now What? There are four things that make it hard for us to get a job somewhere else.

1. Our visas will expire in August so we can’t sign a year contract, which most places want.

2. We only have holiday visa’s meaning we can only work part-time.

3. Neither of us has a degree. Which most places require.

4. There are two of us. Most of the places willing to overlook the other three things are small places and only need one person.

We are beginning to realize just how lucky getting this job was. Well here’s a plan let’s just tour Japan until all of our money is gone and then come home. At least we’ll get to see everything we want to see. Meanwhile well we’re traveling we’ll keep our eyes and ears open for a job. Ok great idea all set. Wait we have enough stuff for a year we can’t go backpacking around with 4 giant suitcases. Maybe we can rent storage. Hmmm maybe we can leave some stuff in Steve’s apartment in Osaka. Good Idea. Steve works for a big company called Nova they have 850 schools throughout Japan we looked at there website they require a year contract and a degree. Damn. So we’re in Osaka and guess what. There website is a lie, well not totally but I guess since they are usually interviewing people in their home country the requirements are a bit stricter. Since we are already here, they don’t care about a year contract, and since we’ve both had at least two years of college that’s enough. We got interviews. Then we were offered the jobs. We get an apartment rent comes out of our salary just like Ark. We’re getting paid more, we get every weekend off. We’re living in Osaka and we both work in Kyoto which is a 20min train ride. But we happened to live only a five minute walk from the station. Our apartment is really nice there’s a living room and a bedroom and a bathroom and a kitchen and there not all in the same room. We live on the 11th floor (penthouse). We even have a balcony and an elevator. Our schedule is the same as one another. Yay. Monday-Friday 5:00-9:00 that’s right we work 4 hours a day and we get the whole weekend off together. More exciting news The Jones’ are coming to visit. We are so excited we can barely handle it. Mama and Papa and Brother Jones will be here from Jan 10-23. That’s two full weekends so we’re planning some traveling too. This is the NOVA website for anyone who would like to check out where were working now



  • At 12/23/2006 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mama and Papa and Brother Jones are also really excited about seeing you guys and your new home! Karoeke, nightclubs, doya doya festival, Tokyo, Disney, Electronic district - HERE WE COME - Can't wait!

  • At 12/23/2006 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yeah! So proud of you guys for not giving up! We're coming too, the prices go up after February so it looks like that's when we're coming... More details when we actually book:)

  • At 12/23/2006 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Merry Christmas Cam and Karleen!!

    Wow McDonalds everyday now!!!
    This is way better for you guys - We just want to wish you both a very Merry Christmas and because you guys aren't going to be at your Mom and Dad's for Christmas Eve we figured it just isn't the same so we won't be going either ha!! Actually we are going to my parents in Saskatchewan. All the best to you in 2007.

    Love The Simmonds'

  • At 12/24/2006 5:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Brother Jones is also guna BRING THE RUCKUS!! Japan wont know what it em...... ;)

  • At 12/25/2006 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm happy to hear such a good news!!
    Anyway, you can stay in Japan longer than you've thought about it.
    Work hard (...not actually mm....sometimes easygoing)and enjoy your work and holiday.

    We've just came back from our honeymoon, we had a great time in Italy.
    I'll post diary of our trip to my weblog soon. please see if you like.

  • At 12/29/2006 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just checking in. Sorry to haer about your troubles, but things seem to work themselfs out. In any case merry chistmas and a happy new year.


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