Jones' Take Over Japan

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Today's Walk/Pictures

Since Karleen started work today, it was my turn to do nothing. So I decided to be adventurous and walk down the main street for a while and take pictures to show everyone our town. I was loaded with the camera, my MP3 player for a soundtrack, and my English hat on...I was a man on a mission. Prepare for a long post!

If you want to see a full size of the pictures, just click them.

This is the main school we work at

Yours truly...looking hot...and feeling VERY hot. This is about 50 feet from the school on the other side of the street.

From the same place and looking across.

Pretty much right next to the last picture

Our insane garbage rules. The Innoshima Garbage Control... aka "The Garbage Gestapo" if you will, requires... nay...demands you to sort out your garbage into these groups. Not only do you have to do this, but only at certain times and dates can you dispose of this stuff, or else you'll get in big trouble from the city.

The Okano Store which I've visited almost everyday since we got here. Some produce (although not the freshest) and where we usually get our Instant Noodles packets which are soooo delicious.

One of the many bridges that connects the islands together. This one connects pretty much to the mountain on the island.

Good ol Deo Deo. The local electronics shop. A very nice place to go, since it had GREAT AC. Prices are pretty good, although I couldn't find a WiFi extender so we can stop using the internet only in our closet...other than that...a pretty basic shop with an abundance of Karaoke players.

Following down the street is the Do It Yourself Shop...or the UFO store. A Walmart of sorts, with no food.
Sort of a combo picture of the Lawsons (24hr Convenience Store), The Tiger (casino) and of course the gigantic bridge that you can't escape. Lawsons is not bad, last night I took a stroll there around 1130 with Lucas and I grabbed 2 bento boxes, 2 slices of egg ham and cheese toast, a 1.5 litter bottle of Coke for Karleen, and a can of Prime Time, a Japanese Malt beer (not bad...almost like a darker Kokanee) all for under 1000 yen...nice. Sorry mom and dad, we haven't been to the Casino yet....I know it's wrong...

I had a couple of artsy moments, so these next 2 pictures are just that.

A map of the town on the side of the street. These even have weird, cute people on them....

Another picture of the other islands

A monument(?) of sorts on the edge of a stone railing.

The Takuma Police Box. This is where the local police officer lives with his/her family. Every 3 years or so, they switch to a different box in a different town. Apparently, it's quite lonesome and there's high suicide rates within the police department because of the seclusion and the lack of things to do since crime in Japan is next to none, especially in a small place like this

Our next door neighbour

Russell. Now I have NO idea why they don't want us to pet him. We said screw it today and attempted to pet him...with full success. He loves us and he's just a friendly dog...vicious my but.

The view right outside our walkway.

Last...and...least, is a picture I decided to throw in. I bought this at another convenience store down the street...It's Pepsi Carnival. It tastes like Jolt Cola almost, but not as good... I thought I'd throw that one in for Cynthia, since it kinda looks like a costume she would wear on the ship.
There you have it! A full days worth of pics...or at least just for a couple hours of walking.
Hope you enjoy the pics.


  • At 8/06/2006 2:55 AM, Blogger Gordon said…

    Cam, these are FANTASTIC.
    Bravo, Me = Jealous.

    But seriously.. 'Monument of some sort'? It says in PLAIN ENGLISH: 9700m, which is clearly a unit of measure indicating just under 10Km.

    Also, what's the deal with all the vehicles in the Tiger parking lot being white? Afraid of colour are they?

  • At 8/06/2006 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cam, cool shots! Its great that you did this - gives us a great idea what your surroundings are like. Are you guys in the skinnier building or is the school the bigger one - or is it both?
    Love this blog. I feel like I'm watching a documentary! ;) Can't wait to see more posts! Say hi to Karleen!

  • At 8/07/2006 5:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    awesome photos bro. We want to come visit. miss you

  • At 8/07/2006 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey! We love all the pics, so great to see how it really is. We want a picture of the toilet next... We have been having lots of fun in Vancouver telling the family about your garbage gestapo, too funny! We are currently trying to skype you but you're not on line. We'll keep checking until bedtime. Love you and MISS you!

  • At 8/10/2006 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Carnival pepsi would be a costume that Cynthia would wear? I'd like to wear a costume like that too. . .


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