Jones' Take Over Japan

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Day One

Lets start from the beginning, shall we!

The trip from Edmonton to Vancouver wasn't exciting, pretty bland. BUT, at the airport we did have our last burgers for a while...and what a better place to have burgers in Vancouver than White Spot! Doolish!

When we boarded the Osaka flight, we found out that we were bumped up to first class! Leg room galore! But first class on Air Canada isn't all that it's cracked up to took me almost 45 min just to get a pillow...and the stewardess light was on that long. I mean, it was great, but I think we were spoiled by our trip on SAS airlines going to to Europe...because we had individual monitors on the headrests infront of us so we could watch what we wanted...not so much on Air Canada. They did, however, have interesting lunch food that we had to take pictures of.

So, after a LONG 1o and a half hours, we landed in Osaka. We both didn't feel tired, since we were flying with the sun for all this time. Going through customs took around 30min, then we grabbed our luggage and headed out into the main part of the airport. Time to figure out where to catch the train! We were able to figure out where to go in no time. On our way to the terminal to buy the tickets, we had our first real temperature's freakin hot here! I took one step outside...and looked like I just stepped out of a shower. Lugging around 160lbs of luggage doesn't help much either. We finally found the terminal and what train to take, so we headed down to wait for our train.

That's when I found some cool vending machines! They have some crazy stuff in there, but I didn't try anything out...I think I have time to do that!

The first train was good, we had some interesting scenery to look at as we wizzed by.

Some minor trouble when we had to make a transfer at Shin-Osaka. We had 12 min to get to the next train...problem is that we had no idea where it was. I talked with someone and they told us to go to terminal 17. So we went...and there was no train there. I left Karleen with all the luggage and raced up the stairs to ask someone else. I finally found someone and they wrote it down for me...terminal 20 at the OTHER end of the station! But it was too late. We had missed the train, and the next one wasn't comming for another 50 mins. We waited around and I tried not to die of dehydration, since our pops were pretty much hot.

An hour later we were finally in Fukuyama, and met up with Matt. He took us in his Mini replica, with all of our luggage back to Innoshima, which was another 40 odd minutes or so. We met everyone, which by that time, everything that was said to me was going out the other ear.

They helped us with our luggage and explained some things, like where the toilet was and all that good stuff. (More on that later!) We said our goodnights and set up our new Japanese Bed.

Karleen talked on Skype with her parents for a bit
While I just took a couple of pictures of our apartment...
Quaint...isn't it!

We're off to check out a class, but once that's done, we'll be back and write about TODAY's adventure!


  • At 8/03/2006 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    SO it begins another Jones adventure!!! The Jones have bugan a take over of Japan!!! I hope that the locals know what they are in for... CAM!!!


  • At 8/04/2006 6:09 AM, Blogger Kelly said…

    Wow, your apartment actually looks bigger than I expected! Nice!

  • At 8/04/2006 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Looks awesome! I got your Snakes on a Plane - Samuel L Jackson voice thing (at least I think that was you haha) that shiz is hilarious. Cant wait to hear more!!

  • At 8/04/2006 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hay sweet pics, Everyone wish's you well from finesse and i hope your enjoying japan.

  • At 8/10/2006 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The famous vending machines!!!! I fell in love with the hot and cold coffees! I love those vending machines. In comparison to the apartments I've seen in Japan, you have a pretty good apartment. Good for you!!


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